Core Combat Unlimited
Core Combat Unlimited is a self-defense and combative martial arts system, combining elements of Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Kali (Filipino Martial Arts), Shooto and Silat. Our goal is to provide the most advanced combat and fitness training regime, unbounded by limitations.
Founded by Sifu Tylus Quan Do (Certified JKD & Kali Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto & Advanced Shooto Student under Yori Nakamura).
The Core Combat system can trace its roots back to the legendary martial arts superstar, Bruce Lee. With a global network that spans over 10 locations worldwide, Core Combat Hong Kong is led by Henry Yeung, a representative instructor (over 15 years) with over 15 years of martial arts experience.
Core Combat Unlimited是結合了截拳道,詠春拳,泰拳,Kali(菲律賓武術)Shooto 和Silat的元素。我們的目標是提供世界上最先進的戰鬥和健身訓練方案,不受限制。
由Sifu Tylus Quan Do(Guro Dan Inosanto認證的JKD&Kali教練和中村頼永的高級Shooto學生)創立。
Core Combat可以追溯到傳奇的武術巨星李小龍。 Combat Combat Global 遍布全球10個地點的全球網絡,Core Combat Hong Kong由代表教練Henry Yeung & Alex Lee領導。
Founded by Sifu Tylus Quan Do (Certified JKD & Kali Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto & Advanced Shooto Student under Yori Nakamura).
The Core Combat system can trace its roots back to the legendary martial arts superstar, Bruce Lee. With a global network that spans over 10 locations worldwide, Core Combat Hong Kong is led by Henry Yeung, a representative instructor (over 15 years) with over 15 years of martial arts experience.
Core Combat Unlimited是結合了截拳道,詠春拳,泰拳,Kali(菲律賓武術)Shooto 和Silat的元素。我們的目標是提供世界上最先進的戰鬥和健身訓練方案,不受限制。
由Sifu Tylus Quan Do(Guro Dan Inosanto認證的JKD&Kali教練和中村頼永的高級Shooto學生)創立。
Core Combat可以追溯到傳奇的武術巨星李小龍。 Combat Combat Global 遍布全球10個地點的全球網絡,Core Combat Hong Kong由代表教練Henry Yeung & Alex Lee領導。