降服式摔跤 (CSW)
This blends Judo, Freestyle Wrestling, and Greco-Roman Wrestling with techniques and submissions from Shootwrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, and Catchascatchcan. CSW trains the individual to strike, clinch, takedown, and submit on the ground in either a sport, mixed martial art, or self-defense environment. It is laden with painful submission hold and a plethora of devastating leg locks. The evolved style provides the perfect compliment to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
CSW Combat Submission Wrestling 由MMA 賽事前Shooto世界冠軍ERIC PALUSON所創立。
CSW 訓練系統分為10個程度, 由Level 1 到 Level 10 學習不同種類摔交方法和地鎖。
學員也可以在Core Combat 通過考核成為CSW合資格教練。
This blends Judo, Freestyle Wrestling, and Greco-Roman Wrestling with techniques and submissions from Shootwrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, and Catchascatchcan. CSW trains the individual to strike, clinch, takedown, and submit on the ground in either a sport, mixed martial art, or self-defense environment. It is laden with painful submission hold and a plethora of devastating leg locks. The evolved style provides the perfect compliment to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
CSW Combat Submission Wrestling 由MMA 賽事前Shooto世界冠軍ERIC PALUSON所創立。
CSW 訓練系統分為10個程度, 由Level 1 到 Level 10 學習不同種類摔交方法和地鎖。
學員也可以在Core Combat 通過考核成為CSW合資格教練。